How to Check Your Graphics Card
How to Check Your Graphics Card
The above questions can be found frequently in the forum question and answer forum like Yahoo Answers, Google Ask etc. By knowing the details of the components on your PC, especially VGA card certainly has a lot of advantages to you, such as: you can easily find files Update VGA Driver for hardware devices that you use.
Because of the experience, when downloading the update file for the VGA driver, which prompted course VGA details Spoken like: Model, Series, Vendors, Operating System used. In order for the file you downloaded is not for other devices. If you download a driver until the incident to another device, be sure you use the hardware will not function properly.
To know the details of your PC VGA, there are two options you can use, using the manual method or using the services of a software specially designed to detect the type of VGA installed (installed) in a PC.
How To Manual
His name also means the manual, so there should be little effort to do so. Check back box or wrap perangkaht hardware VGA (VGA Card) that you buy either the Vendor (nVidia or AMD), Sub Vendor (Asus, Gigabyte, EVGA etc) Code and the series, I'm sure all the hardware devices are already listed in the box.
If the box or the packaging has been lost or depleted due eaten cat, you can see the information available on the graphics card, with a look at the code and the series of VGA card, you just try to unplug and notice the details.
using Software
This way one can only be done if the device you are using the VGA hardware is already installed in the system (drivers already installed). Software used is the GPU Z.
GPU Z is a mini tool from Techpowerup which is a software to provide complete information about the Video Card (graphics) and Procecsor APU on a computer or laptop.
GPU Z suport for all types of flat form either VGA AMD, Nvidia, and Intel, including the latest Intel Haswell Processor Graphics fed Code Name Iris.
Key Features of the GPU Z, among others:
1. Suport for AMD, Nvidia, and Intel Graphics
2. Displays VGA Display Adapter you use
3. Displaying the Default Clock and Clock Bost
4. Can be used to perform Back up Bios
5. No need to install, but there is an option if you want to put it on the Install system
6. Suport Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8
After the run GPU Z will feature everything you need about you use VGA as product name, Series, GPU, Memory, etc. all of which are displayed in a tab. The following image is a screenshot of the display when running GPU Z
For those of you who want to and do not have a GPU Z, please follow the following link, and the file size is only 1.3 MB only.
Then if the GPU Z can only be used after the driver is installed, what if after buying VGA Card Used and we want to get a driver for the VGA card that I use but do not know for sure what the full specification of the VGA card Such?
The solution that I can give no 3, namely:
First way, if you are the user-made Assus VGA card, then on the official website there is the convenience provided to users who do not know for sure the hardware used.
Second way, users of AMD graphics cards can easily downloading drivers for all AMD products, with the help of tools designed specifically to detect, locate the driver that corresponds to the hardware, and download it directly to you.
Third way, for AMD and nVidia users who are not working anymore with the two options I mentioned earlier, please use the software detect the driver will install the drivers for all kinds of hardware very well.
Well how readers of all, I hope this article can help you in knowing the details of the VGA that you use either the PC or laptop....
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